Inside Out…

We took the kids to see Inside Out when it was in theatres. Whirlwind dug it a ton. 4 year old Bot, not so much. When the movie was over he loudly announced, “Was that it?” “Yes.” I replied. “But nothing was Inside Out…” he…

The Girls Club…

When my seven year old came home from school and told me that she was in a Club, I was less then enthused. I remembered girls clubs from when I was a kid. It was a stressful experience. What if my friends were asked to…

My Little Athlete…

I’m not sure which sport or activity is going to stick for Whirlwind. She sort of digs it all. Swimming, dance, soccer, running. She just digs life, that kid. I mean look at that face…. Yes, I just posted a photo of winter. Please forgive…

The Yam…

I’m not really sure how it started. I was in the kitchen cooking supper when I saw a little hand swipe the vegetable. Then I heard the sounds of little feet followed by some giggling and then some serious discussions of who was going to…


Most the time I have a good idea what my kids are thinking. I know when Whirlwind is upset. I can tell when Baby Bot has had his feelings hurt. Hell, I can even tell when they have to poop. But, today…..? No clue. Just…

I’m A Downer Today….

Let’s set the scene… 8:55 am on a beautiful sunny Thursday Morning. Bot and I have just dropped off Whirlwind at school. Bot is wearing dinosaur pj’s, rubber boots, pink gloves and an bright orange toque. Me: Let’s go for a walk. Bot: Sure, Momma….

The Tablet Addiction….

I try not to be super judgey. But, I can be when it comes to electronic devices. I see kids watching movies while their parents push them around in the cart at the grocery store.  I see kids playing games on their tablets while there…

Back to School…..?

I wasn’t a huge fan of summer holidays when I was a kid. I mean, I liked going camping. I loved going to see my relatives in Red Deer, Alberta.  I dug swimming lessons.  But, I preferred school. I was an eager, hand putter upper,…

When Do Kids Stop….

singing to themselves? I specifically remember having some girl friends over for a few drinks and one of them saying, ” You need to tape that, it won’t last forever.” It was Whirlwind. She was 2 years old and she had this habit of singing…

Kids Say The Darndest Things…

Both of these conversations happened this morning…. Baby Bot: Momma, I watch tv now? Me: Not now, honey. Baby Bot: But, Momma, I love the t.v. Me: I know honey, but too much t.v will turn your brain into mush. Baby Bot: Momma, I want…