Mom Cold vs. Dad Cold

I saw a commercial on t.v the other day where the Mom takes a sick day and the Dad starts freaking out because the next day is their daughter’s birthday. You know, like a Mom cold vs a Dad cold. It’s pretty hilarious. Mostly because…

Weird Recipe Round Up

I’m an unadventurous cook. If I look at a recipe and it has more than 8 ingredients, I’m not going to make it. I need quick, I need easy, I need tasty and sometimes I like it weird. One thing I love about having a…

It Takes A Village…

I’m sure you all know the African Proverb ” it takes a village to raise a child”. But how many of us actually have a village? When I first moved into the community I am in now, I knew no one, besides my soon to…

Easy Chocolate Sauce…

I love how easily music and food can bring me a flood of memories from my childhood. Growing up there was always a mason jar of this easy chocolate sauce in our fridge. We used it for chocolate milk, hot chocolate and on ice cream….

30 Day Eat At Home Challenge Week 4

If you have missed this, our family is doing a 30 Day Eat At Home Challenge. Please take a moment and read about Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3.  TOTAL MONEY SAVED IN 3 WEEKS: $192.40  But, there was cheating this week. More on…

Where Do You Stand In Your Friendships…

Have you ever liked someone more than they like you? I am not talking about junior high crushes, I am talking about friendships. For me now, specifically, it is navigating the world of adult female friendships. It is really hard to know where you stand…

30 Day Eat At Home Challenge Week 3

If you missed reading about our 30 Day Eat At Home Challenge, you can find out more by reading about our first week and second week.  MONEY SAVED IN 2 WEEKS: $142.65 But, it’s not about the money saved. What I’m learning is that it…

Trolls Series On Netflix…

Remember when I used to relish in the fact that my kids loved the same t.v shows? Not the case anymore. It takes them 30 minutes to pick a show now. Drives me batty. But, something weird happened on Friday. On Friday, they both settled…

Easy Rice Pudding…

For some reason, repurposing our leftovers into something edible makes me giddy and a bit well, randy. I absolutely love the feeling of using up our left over rice into this amazing easy rice pudding. Plus, I am on a food prep kick ever since starting…

30 Day Eat At Home Challenge Week 2

If you missed why we are attempting the 30 Day Eat At Home Challenge, you can read about our first week here. Week One: MONEY SAVED $61.00 I have never really paid attention to how much we eat out. This has been a fascinating wake-up call…