Weird Recipe Round Up

I’m an unadventurous cook. If I look at a recipe and it has more than 8 ingredients, I’m not going to make it. I need quick, I need easy, I need tasty and sometimes I like it weird. One thing I love about having a…

And More Christmas Ha Ha…

This is part 3 in a series of funny women bringing some serious Ha Ha to Christmas. Please take a moment to read their stories and share them if think your friends and family would get a kick out of their life experiences. The Elf…

More Christmas Ha Ha…

Remember when I shared some great Christmas laughs from some funny ladies. Well, it was so damn popular, that I have more for you. Yup, its now a 3 part series.  If you got a giggle from some of these posts, please consider sharing them…

Christmas Ha Ha…

There are some super funny ladies putting some serious Christmas giggles into the universe. Read all 5 of these.  It is a combo of underwear around your neck, posing sexy under the Christmas tree, whining about being born at Christmas, Christmas gifts Mom’s really want…