Adult Sex…

My friends have the most interesting sex lives. Open Marriages. Affairs. Tinder. Single. Sex After Divorce. Swingers. Masturbation. Online Dating. Their stories of having sex as adults thrill me, probably because I have been having sex with the same man for almost twenty years.

Holy Shit.

Let’s sit on that for a hot minute.

Twenty years.


When I first started having sex my biggest fear was getting pregnant. I mean getting pregnant was pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen to me in the mid-nineties. I just was not the kind of teenager that could have handled it. I wasn’t in love and didn’t have a serious boyfriend until I was twenty. I knew about STD’s but the idea of protection was to protect me from getting pregnant.

My friends on the other hand…..

I love my friends and their sexual adventures. I love that they tell me But, they have an entirely different mindset when it comes to sex. It’s adventure,  pleasure and fun. It’s a really exciting time for so many of my friends.

As much as I love their stories, I know I can be a bit of downer when I make sure they are taking care of their sexual health.

I mean, hell.  It’s not an embarrassing thing, it’s just how it is. Having control over your sexual health is one of the most important things we can do. That is why STDCHECK.COM has eliminated the embarrassment and hassle of conventional STD testing. They give you access to the same FDA- approved testing used by doctors and hospitals. Once you place your order, you can visit any of their nationwide USA testing centers without an appointment, even the same day of your purchase. Your results are delivered to you and no one else – nothing is reported to your insurance or placed on your medical records. More importantly, they provide guidance and support every step of the way, no matter what your results are.

My friends are being responsible.

They are having fun and I am having fun hearing all the details. I probably ask way too many questions but I love it. I love their adventures. I live vicariously through them. I can’t think of healthier sexual health than that! Plus, I am a closet perv.

This post was sponsored by STDCHECK.COM  I receive compensation and various other perks for sharing with you. These are my opinions and stories.