Vitafusion Women’s Multivitamin…

I am super stoked to be part of the Church & Dwight Ambassadorship team for 2016.

Church and Dwight

What does this mean for you?

It means that each month I will try out one of their products and tell you about them, in the only way I know how, honestly.  Sometimes I will have really cool giveaways too. Lately, the best chatter comes from Mommy’s Weird Facebook page, so I am going to try a few giveaways there instead of on the blog.

So what am I currently trying out?


Vitamins. Currently, I am taking the Women’s Vitafusion. They are gummy, so I feel like a kid eating a sour dinosaur.

I always start the new year off with a real health kick. Usually, I try to dump on carbs, increase my work out regime and take a multi vitamin. Listen, I am no fool, I know that I will be back to my 3 work outs a week next month and that I will probably be eating toast for breakfast tomorrow, but the one thing I can usually keep the longest is my vitamin intake.

The hardest part is remembering to take the darn things.


Anyone have any tips on that to keep it a habit?