50th Birthday Faux Pas…

My poor friend.

She recently turned fifty.

That’s not the problem, because she is rocking fifty like a hot damn.

Here’s what happened…

 For her big 5-0, three of us got together to buy her a spa day.  She was so excited.

And luckily she found herself with a surprise day off and happened to walk by her favourite spa, she stepped in and inquired about an appointment for a future date.  They then surprised her and said, “We have room now if you want a pedicure and manicure.”

Could the day get any better?

She read magazines, drank expensive tea, ate fancy treats and most importantly relaxed.  If anyone on the planet deserved this day. It was her. Nothing was gonna bring this girl down.

After her two hours of bliss,  she peeked into her purse to grab her gift certificate.  Whoopsie. She didn’t have it.  She told them that she would “just run home and grab it”.

She hurried herself home, and returned to her favourite spa with her birthday gift certificate and handed it to the receptionist.

“Wrong spa.” The lady said.

“What?”  My friend asked.

“This isn’t a gift certificate for our spa, its for another spa. I’m sorry, but your bill comes to $180.”

Happy Birthday to her.