Rock Me Tom Cruise….


I thought I was “over” Tom Cruise.

Apparently, I am not.

He is the master.

And I am not talking about Scientology.

Or Katie Holmes.

I’m talking about Rock Of Ages

My parents are visiting and like the good hosts we are, Zed and I gave them a ten minute warning that we were going to go see a movie.  Zed did not want to see “Rock of Ages”.  He had no interest.  I sort of just forced it on him.

And honestly, for the first fifteen minutes, I thought I was going to have to “owe” him big for this one. The first fifteen minutes of this movie stink.

Big Time.

But, stick with it.  It gets a whole lot better.  Trust me. How can you go wrong with a movie filled with 80’s music?   Alec Baldwin, Paul Giamatti, Catherine Zeta-Jones. Russell Brand and Bryan Cranston are fantastic.

Plus, there is a monkey in it. And according to Zed, “Monkey’s make everything better.”

But Tom Cruise was the best.  He was so damn good. I am not sure if he is “Oscar” good, but definitely “Golden Globe” good.  The way he made his tiny little compact body look like a lanky Rock God, was such a turn on.

I was very attracted to him. The way he “Axl Rose’d”  his body on that stage was such an aphrodisiac. It actually put me in a bit of a frenzy.  At one point I almost whispered to Zed that he was going to get “lucky tonight.”  But, then I realized that I might have to actually follow through and there was not point in getting his hopes up.

Sort of like making plans to meet your friends for dinner only to find out they want to go to Smitty’s.

Well, I better go.   I’m going to go and watch this movie…

Actually, not the movie, just the volleyball scene.  Probably about  fifteen times.