Kids Logic….

For the most part Whirlwind and Baby Bot get along very well.

They absolutely adore each other.

I actually have to yell, ” Okay, you two, quit hugging and kissing! NOW!  That is enough. LET GO OF EACH OTHER. NO MORE KISSES! I mean it. STOP KISSING!”

Today while 3 year old Baby Bot was running around with his hockey stick, six year old Whirlwind was not impressed.

“Mommy, if he bugs me with that I am going to punch him in the face.” She said.

“Hey. That’s not nice.”  I said loudly from the other room.

“Okay.” She sighed. “But, I am going to punch him in the face when he is twelve. ”

“You got it.” I replied.

I’m pretty sure the hugging and kissing will be over by then.

It better be.

Housekeeping:  I know for me it can be a bit exhausting to follow my favourite blogs.  I know, I must tire easily. I am a tad dramatic that way. Anywho….you can get Mommy’s Weird sent right to your email! I KNOW! Awesome.  Just add your email over there on your right at “Follow The Weirdness.”